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The Plan

We know getting mental health care and support isn’t always easy. Processes can be long and complicated and demand on services can mean people sometimes having to wait too long without the help or support they need.

Change is happening though in the form of the community mental health transformation programme. This is a five-year national programme to improve the lives of people with serious mental illness and the way they’re supported in their local communities. Everyone who is involved in caring for people has a vital role to play.

That’s why health and social care, local authorities, emergency services, voluntary sector organisations and people with lived experience of mental ill health are working together to make change happen.

The aim of Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust (TEWV) is to deliver a new mental health community-based offer by the:

  • Redesign and reorganisation of core community mental health teams ​

  • Creation of a core mental health service which is aligned with primary care networks, voluntary sector organisations and local community groups.

The Tees Valley Healthwatch Network encompassing the communities of Darlington, Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Redcar & Cleveland, and Stockton-on-Tees is to provide insight to TEWV from groups and individuals within their communities to support TEWV’s new mental health community-based offer

Let's Work Together

Hartlepool Voluntary, Community and enterprise sector (VCSE) has an historical renowned approach to working with residents in their local communities.  There is a history of partnership and collaboration both within the VCSE and with statutory organisations.  This approach has led to the development of a fluid and dynamic sector that is proactive but can also be reactive, meeting specific place base needs.

The existence of the Community Hubs in Hartlepool and the partnership work that emerged responding to the local COVID pandemic needs, has put Hartlepool in a good place to support the implementation of the NHS Community Transformation Framework.


A working group has been established with representatives from the Integrated Care Board, TEWV, Hartlepool Borough Council and the VCSE.  The group meets monthly with a clear agenda to drive the community transformation forward. 


The working group was challenged with finding a way to manage the Community Transformation budget in a fair and transparent way and has focused on three key themes:

  • Co-location of staff

  • Developing and sustaining a virtual huddle

  • Ensure the voice of lived experience is heard

The PFC Trust administer the Community Transformation funding including establishing panels, monitoring contracts, reporting to the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and managing a small grants budget that will be able to react to identified gaps in community opportunities, testing/piloting approaches and specific needs for individuals including communication needs.

We are seeking proposals from the VCSE to support the Community Transformation work that has started in Hartlepool. Bids must be collaborative and demonstrate a range of partnerships to support individuals. 

They must be:

  • Focused

  • Sustainable

  • Co-created

  • Collaborative

Bids should be underpinned by the following values and principles:

  • Person-centred and trauma sensitive

  • Strength based

  • Empowering

  • Responsive

  • Respectful

  • Aspirational

  • Inclusive

  • No blame

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Proposals should address how they will contribute to one of the following themes:


Lived Experience forum – contributing to the overall management and direction of travel.  Influencing and informing communication, delivery and monitoring of contracts.


Community Connectors Hub – outlined in Appendix A – a collaboration with VCSE, Community Hubs, Social Care and TEWV to provide a system wide, no wrong door approach to meeting the needs of individuals needing support.  This will include supporting individuals to: navigate services; taking a person-centred approach to ensure that the root cause of distress is identified and the person is supported to plan how to reduce that distress; attending a huddle advocating for individuals and ensuring their voice contributes to decision-making; and, supporting them to access and/or delivering the appropriate support.

CMHT Coordinator Guidance

The CMHT Coordinators (Hartlepower Development Team - Julian Penton & Juli Simons) have created the the following summary of recommendations based on:


1. NHS England’s expected outcomes from Community Transformation – read the document NHS England » The community mental health framework for adults and older adults

2. The results of Healthwatch’s Tees Valley-wide consultation with adults with experience of poor mental health (c. 9K people responded to various consultations, including an online survey) - read the document: Healthwatch Report


3. Summary findings from Hartlepool’s Lived Experience Forum’s user-consultation exercises – based on Forum members’ questionnaire responses


  • Provides out of hours services (i.e. outside of Monday – Friday, 9am to 5pm) in an environment that is accessible, relaxing & friendly


  • Reduces people on waiting lists for mental health services


  • Uses creative arts, physical exercise and/or social activities as options for people seeking support.


  • Has involved people who use services (& their carers) in shaping the proposal.


  • Provides services responsive to the needs of younger adults of 18 to 25 years. (There is a gap in activities for younger adults of all demographics.)


  • Provides peer support and services that promote individually tailored care, empowerment, collaboration, trust and safety.


  • Provides flexibility in length and type of support provided.


  • Provides support to carers of people experiencing mental ill-health.


  • Increases the accessibility of wellbeing support services and is joined up with multiple other services – so is able to respond to all of a person’s needs including housing, income & benefits, meaningful activity, employment, education & social.


  • Demonstrates collaboration between voluntary sector organisations; demonstrates collaboration between voluntary sector partnerships and statutory organisations.

Application Form

Please read the application in full for additional background information. If you have any questions or would like some assistance in completing this application form, please contact the Hartlepool Community Transformation Co-ordinators Julian Penton or Juli Simons at Hartlepower Community Trust

( – or – )

This fund is a rolling application, panel dates will be determined on the volume of applications.

Please tick below to indicate the Key Service Outcomes you are seeking funding for?
Project/Event/Organisational Details
Monitoring and Evaluation

Quantitative & Qualitative feedback.

Will be required on a quarterly basis, with qualitative feedback to be provided every 6 months – please say how you plan to measure impact?) Please describe how you will Monitor and Evaluate the following:

Supporting Information Required (please tick boxes of all supporting evidence provided)

Please do not submit this application without the supporting information detailed above, as we cannot accept it.

If you have any problems with providing any of the information, please contact us to discuss before submitting your application.


By signing this agreement, you confirm that you have the required authority/permission within your organisation to do so, and that your organisation, agree to all the terms and conditions, principles and application process as detailed in this application and the NHS England Community Mental Health Framework.

  • Including timely impact reports when requested

  • Timely reporting of any requested follow-up information

  • Evidence of spending

  • SEE Full Terms & Condition Below

You are requested not to share any information contained on this form without consent of The Community Mental Health Transformational Fund.

Without your consent we cannot progress this application – Thank you

Terms and Conditions
  • Any funding will be used solely for the purposes as described in the funding application, and agreed by the Community Mental Health Funding Panel.

  • Funding cannot be used for any activity/purchases made outside the dates in the application form and agreed by the Community Mental Health Funding Panel.

  • Community Mental Health Transformation Fund / North East and North Cumbria Health Transformation is to be credited / promoted in all media releases in relation to this project.

  • We shall receive frequent reports and impact reports regarding the project to include the expected outcomes and the evidence outlines in the grant application.

  • We shall receive frequent images from the project submitted with full usage permissions granted to Community Mental Health Transformation Fund / North East and North Cumbria Health Transformation (where appropriate).

  • Community Mental Health Transformation Fund / North East and North Cumbria Health Transformation reserves the right to publicise the project on its own social media, website and printed materials as desired.

  • All grant recipients shall at all times comply in all respects with all relevant legislation in the United Kingdom.

  • All grant recipients are responsible for all aspects of health & safety, risk assessments, DBS checks and any other documentation or evidence required for the safe delivery of projects /activity including but not limited to ensuring any service provider are suitably trained, qualified, and insured for the activities delivered.

  • Community Mental Health Transformation Fund / North East and North Cumbria Health Transformation reserve their right to draw back any funding where grant conditions haven’t been met within reasonable timescales, as determined by the Community Mental Health Funding Panel.

  • Under exceptional circumstance a ‘change of use’ for the funding may be considered. Any ‘change of use’ must be submitted in written format and authorised in writing by the Community Mental Health Funding Panel in advance of any change in use being allowed.

  • At points throughout the application process, we may need to contact you to clarify detail or to ask further detailed questions, you agree to these calls/emails as part of your application.

  • Community Mental Health Transformation Fund / North East and North Cumbria Health Transformation / The PFC Trust will, under no circumstances, be liable for any damage, injury, or loss of any kind whatsoever to any property or persons occurring as a result of activities undertaken with this grant award.

Application Process
Appendix A
Supporting Documentation
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